Treasuring Jesus Together Through National Missions

There are vast areas of the United States which are haunted with empty churches that at one time proclaimed the Gospel. One way we are seeking to push back spiritual darkness is through the Annie Armstrong Offering. All monies collected through this offering are sent to church planters at the frontlines of bringing the Gospel back to these areas. 

Our pastors and staff are also praying through how else we can reach our country with the Gospel. Here are some ways you can join us in prayer:

  • Thank the Lord for the work He is doing through the many NAMB church planters within the Southern Baptist Convention
  • Ask the Lord to open our eyes & the eyes of our church to the immense spiritual darkness in the United States
  • Ask the Lord to give wisdom to our pastors and staff as they think through how to mobilize our church to reach the U.S. with the Gospel
  • Ask the Lord to give our pastors and staff clarity on how to better partner with church planters

missions, gold, circular