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Guest Speaker: Frank Shelton

Treasuring Jesus Together Through Community

At Five Points, we believe that our unity as a church family was accomplished by Christ Himself (Ephesians 2:1-22) and now our calling is to live that out. What this means is that we gather each week for corporate worship and then we intentionally open our hearts and homes to one another throughout the week so that we can build each other up in the faith (1 Thessalonians 5:11). In other words, it should be a normal part of our life together for older members to share a meal with younger ones or for married couples to invite one or two college students to their house for dessert. This is the beauty of the local church!

Sometimes, however, it can be a little tough getting started. That's why we have created The Gospel Hospitality Initiative. When you fill out this form, you are indicating that you would be interested in having 3-5 Five Points members with whom you are not already acquainted in your home for dinner OR you are open to enjoying time in the home of another Five Points member. If you are not a member of Five Points, you will not be asked to host. But we do encourage you to particiapte in this as a guest since it is a wonderful way to get to know other members of our faith family in a more relaxed and personable setting. Also... You can come back and fill this form out as many times as you would like. Each time we will pair you with someone different. This is a great way to meet more members in a shorter amount of time! Once you fill this form out, our Gospel Hospitality coordinator will be in touch with you in one to two weeks.

Gospel Hospitality Registration Form