What Is "Discovering Five Points?"

It is a time designed to give newcomers a detailed overview of what we believe is the heart of the Gospel and what it looks like to live in light of the Gospel as a faith family.

Who Is It For?

Discovering Five Points is for people who are ready to become a member or who are considering membership or would just like to learn more! We should also note that attending does not obligate you to join after it is over.

Is Attendance Required In Order To Be A Member?

Yes. We believe that joining a church is not a decision you should make lightly. And to help you discern whether the Lord is calling you here, we want to make sure you know what we believe the Bible says about the nature and character of the church. You must attend in order to move forward in the membership process.

How Often Is This Offered?

Discovering Five Points is available on an as-needed basis. You can see the dates available for this year on the REGISTRATION FORM.

When Does Discovering Five Points Meet?

It takes place on a Sunday afternoon. 

Where Does Discovering Five Points Meet?

This class takes place in the church library. The easiest way to find it is to enter the church through the lower gym entrance (where the kids check in is located). Once you enter the building, it is the classroom immediately to your left.

Is Childcare Available?

Yes! But to help us with that, you must register at least 5 days before the gathering is set to take place.

How Do I Sign Up?

We would love to have you in our next Discovering Five Points gathering! You can register by CLICKING HERE