The primary way in which we treasure Jesus together is through worship. We believe that all of life is to be offered to God as worship in gratitude for saving us through the finished work of Christ. One important aspect is in the church's corporate worship each Lord's Day (Sunday). At Five Points, we strive toward worship that is God-centered, embodied, and congregational.


In Ephesians 3:10, the apostle Paul says that it is through the church that God desires to display His manifold wisdom to the cosmos. He is clear that He is to be at the center. What does this look like, practically speaking? It means we center our gatherings around His Word (the Bible). We read the Word, pray the Word, sing the Word, preach the Word, see the Word through baptism and the Lord's Supper, and respond to the Word. 

The primary mode of preaching at Five Points is expositional. What that means is that we mostly preach through entire books of the Bible so as to expose the church to the whole counsel of God (Acts 20:26-27). We will do topical series from time to time, but we believe God's voice is best heard in the church through this model of preaching.


Corporate worship is intended to be embodied. By that we simply mean that the normative pattern of Scripture is for believers to gather together in real space and time. In a world that is overwhelmed with digital technologies, the church continues to value the whole person. Consider this passage from Hebrews 10:24-25...

And let us consider how to stir one another up to love and good works, not neglecting to meet together, as is the habit of some, but encouraging one another, and all the more as you see the Day drawing near.

Resonating with this passage, Dietrich Bonhoeffer writes: "The physical presence of other Christians is a source of incomaprable joy and strength to the believer."


What we mean by "congregational" is that the congregation are the primary participants... not the audience. In Colossians 3:16, Paul told the believers in Colosse to let the word of Christ richly dwell among them by singing psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs. We are intended to help each other grow in Christ by singing together! Our main criteria in selecting songs, then, is that they are biblical and singable. At Five Points, our worship contains songs that have spanned the centuries of church history and others that are more contemporary. The goal is not to tailor everything we do to a specific demographic, but to be pleasing to the Lord. 

What About My Kids?

Children are welcomed to stay with their parents or, for children Kindergarten through 4th grade, they can attend Kids Worship in the FP Kids Sancturay. Our Worship Pastor will announce when they are dismissed from the gathering and our Children's Director will lead them from the Worship Center to that area. Children 5th grade and up stay with their parents in the Worship Center for the entirety of the gathering. For little ones age infant to 4 years old, we offer childcare throughout the entirety of the worship gathering. To learn more about Children's Discipleship, click here.

I'm Ready To Try It Out. What Should I Do Next?

We're so excited you'll be joining us for worship this Sunday! To help us welcome you, we encourage you to submit a Plan Your Visit form. When you do, a pastor will reach out via text message and arrange to meet you at the door. It's a simple way that we seek to welcome you as Christ has welocmed us (Romans 15:7).

Staff Contacts

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John Brooks (3 x 3 in)



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