ADVENT | December 1st-28th

Follow along with us on this online "Advent Reflections" plan from the Bible Project.

Download here the correct "Bible App" version for your phone.  Hard copies of each day are available in the church office.

Treasuring Jesus Through Discipleship

The goal of discipleship at Five Points is best defined by the apostle Paul in Colossians 1:28: "Christ we proclaim, warning everyone and teaching everyone with all wisdom, that we may present everyone mature in Christ." Listed below are some of the tools we have for helping us achieve that goal. We do not expect every member to be involved in every discipleship opportunity. Rather, we encourage you to think through your current life stage and then select 1 or 2 opportunities and really go deep into those. 

Sunday School

Every Sunday morning we have a number of open Bible studies. It goes from 9:00-10:00am. 

Midweek At Five Points

Wednesday nights at Five Points are a time for deeper equipping in God's Word. Midweek classes begin at 6pm. We also have a church-wide fellowship meal in the gym beforehand from 5-6pm.